Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Alexandria... Why? (1979)

Original title: iskanderija... lih?
133 min
Dramatic, War
Poster of movie Alexandria... Why?

Historical episodes of setting


Youssef ChahineYoussef Chahineregista

Production and Screenplay

Youssef ChahineYoussef Chahineproduttore
Youssef ChahineYoussef Chahinesceneggiatore
Youssef ChahineYoussef Chahinescrittore
Mohsen Zayedsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

padre di mohsen
Antic Melkior(età:44)

Technical staff

Mohsen Nasrdirettore della fotografia
Fouad El-Zahrymusiche
Nehad Bahgatscenografo
Ahmed Mehrezarredatore