Database of cinema, music, history and literature

island in the sun (1957)

Original title: island in the sun
Production: UK, USA|119 min
Dramatic, Romantic, Political
Poster of movie island in the sun
set during the 1950s on a british-ruled caribbean island, this drama deals with local politics, interracial relationships, social inequality, racism, adultery and murder.


Robert RossenRobert Rossenregista

Production and Screenplay

Alfred Hayessceneggiatore
Darryl F. ZanuckDarryl F. Zanuckproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Hartley Power
Joan FontaineJoan Fontaine(età:40)
(mavis norman)
James MasonJames Mason(età:48)
(maxwell fleury)
John JustinJohn Justin(età:40)
(denis archer)
Ronald Squire(età:71)
(governatore templeton)
Patricia OwensPatricia Owens(età:32)
(sylvia fleury)
Stephen BoydStephen Boyd(età:29)
(euad templeton)
John WilliamsJohn Williams(età:54)
(colonnello wittingham)
Harry BelafonteHarry Belafonte(età:30)
(david boyeur)
Michael RennieMichael Rennie(età:48)
(hilary carson)
Joan CollinsJoan Collins(età:24)
(jocelyn fleury)
Dorothy DandridgeDorothy Dandridge(età:34)
(margot seaton)
Diana WynyardDiana Wynyard(età:51)
(signora fleury)
Basil SydneyBasil Sydney(età:63)
(julian fleury)

Technical staff

Phyllis DaltonPhyllis Daltoncostumista
Malcolm ArnoldMalcolm Arnoldmusiche
Eric Allwrighttruccatore
Reginald Beckmontatore
John Decuirscenografo
Freddie Youngdirettore della fotografia
David Ffolkescostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1957)