Database of cinema, music, history and literature

jane eyre (1921)

Original title: jane eyre
Production: USA| black and white| mute

Origin of the subject


Hugo BallinHugo Ballinregista

Production and Screenplay

Hugo BallinHugo Ballinproduttore
Hugo BallinHugo Ballinsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Mabel BallinMabel Ballin(età:34)
(Jane Eyre)
Crauford Kent(età:40)
(st. john rivers)
Emily FitzroyEmily Fitzroy(età:61)
(grace poole, una domestica)
John Webb dillon
(mason, il fratello della signora rochester)
Louis R. grisel(età:72)
(john eyre)
ManStephen Carr(età:15)
(john reed)
Venie Atherton
(miss fairfax)
Elizabeth Arians
(mrs. rochester)
Harlan Knight
(mr. breckelhurst)
Helen Miles(età:2)
Julia Hurley
(la cameriera di rivers)
Sadie Mullen
(miss ingram)
Florence Flagler
(miss mason)
Bertha Kent
(la cameriera di mr. rochester)
Marie Schaefer
(mrs. reed)
Mr. Rochester
norman trevor
Norman Trevor(età:44)

Technical staff

Hugo BallinHugo Ballindirettore della fotografia