Database of cinema, music, history and literature

jason x (2002)

Original title: jason x
Production: USA|93 min
Horror, Science fiction, Action
This movie is episode 10 of the series friday the 13th composed by:


James IsaacJames Isaacregista

Production and Screenplay

Victor Millersceneggiatore
Todd FarmerTodd Farmersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Kane HodderKane Hodder(età:47)
(jason voorhees/cyber jason)
Lexa DoigLexa Doig(età:29)
Chuck CampbellChuck Campbell(età:33)
Lisa RyderLisa Ryder(età:32)
(kay-em 14)
Peter MensahPeter Mensah(età:43)
(sgt. brodski)
Jonathan Potts(età:38)
(prof. lowe)
Melyssa Ade(età:26)
Derwin Jordan
Yani GellmanYani Gellman(età:17)
Kristi Angus(età:31)
Amanda BrugelAmanda Brugel(età:24)
Dylan BierkDylan Bierk
Barna Moricz
Todd FarmerTodd Farmer(età:34)
Boyd BanksBoyd Banks(età:38)
(fat lou)
Robert A. Silverman(età:59)
(dieter perez)
David CronenbergDavid Cronenberg(età:59)
(dr. wimmer)
Marcus Parilo
(sgt. marcus)

Technical staff

David Handmanmontatore
Ethan Wileymusiche
Derick V. underschultzdirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2002)