Database of cinema, music, history and literature

jiro dreams of sushi (2011)

Original title: jiro dreams of sushi
Production: USA|81 min
Poster of movie jiro dreams of sushi
a documentary on 85-year-old sushi master jiro ono, his renowned tokyo restaurant, and his relationship with his son and eventual heir, yoshikazu.


David Gelbregista

Production and Screenplay

Chris Kellyproduttore esecutivo
Ross m. Dinersteinproduttore esecutivo
Tom Pellegriniproduttore
Matt Weaverproduttore esecutivo
Kevin Iwashinaproduttore
Scott Prisandproduttore esecutivo
Joey Careyproduttore esecutivo
Stefan Nowickiproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Technical staff

David Gelbdirettore della fotografia

Music tracks of the soundtrack