Database of cinema, music, history and literature

john rambo (2008)

Original title: john rambo
Production: Germany, USA|93 min
Action, Thriller, Dramatic
Poster of movie john rambo
This movie is episode 4 of the series rambo composed by:


Production and Screenplay

Sylvester StalloneSylvester Stallonesceneggiatore
Kevin Lundsceneggiatore
Kevin Bernhardtsceneggiatore
Art Monterastellisceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

John Rambo
sarah miller
Julie BenzJulie Benz(età:36)
michael burnett
Paul SchulzePaul Schulze(età:46)
Tim KangTim Kang(età:35)
arthur marsh
Ken HowardKen Howard(età:64)
Linden AshbyLinden Ashby(età:48)

Technical staff

Brian TylerBrian Tylermusiche
Lizz Wolfcostumista
Sean AlbertsonSean Albertsonmontatore
Scott H. eddotruccatore
Glen MacPhersonGlen MacPhersondirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2008)

Roberto DraghettiRoberto Draghetti Voice of Diaz