Database of cinema, music, history and literature

johnny suede (1991)

Original title: johnny suede
Production: France, USA| black and white
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie johnny suede
a struggling young musician and devoted fan of ricky nelson wants to be just like his idol and become a rock star.


Tom DicilloTom Dicilloregista

Production and Screenplay

Tom DicilloTom Dicillosceneggiatore
Tom DicilloTom Dicilloscrittore
Bruno Perseyproduttore
Ruth Waldburgerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Johnny Suede
Brad PittBrad Pitt(età:28)
signor clepp
Calvin Levels(età:37)
Alison Moir(età:25)
freak storm
Nick CaveNick Cave(età:34)
flip doubt
Ron VawterRon Vawter(età:43)
Tina LouiseTina Louise(età:57)
Richard Boes(età:42)
Tom Jarmusch(età:30)
Shayle Gardner(età:101)
Ralph Marrero(età:32)
Wayne Maugans(età:27)
Arloa Reston(età:13)

Technical staff

Link WrayLink Wraymusiche
Geraldine Peronimontatore
Marcia Shulmancasting
Jim Farmermusiche
Stephanie Carrollarredatore
Patricia Woodbridgescenografo
Jessica Hastoncostumista
Joe Desalvodirettore della fotografia
Laura Brockscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1991)