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Joint Body (2011)

Original title: joint body
Production: UK, USA|86 min
Thriller, Crime
Poster of movie Joint Body
after his ex-wife bars him from seeing their daughter, a parolee finds kinship with a troubled woman who helps him re-evaluate his life.


Brian Junregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Weissproduttore esecutivo
Brian Junproduttore
Brian Junsceneggiatore
Max Velezproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Alicia WittAlicia Witt(età:36)
Tom GuiryTom Guiry(età:30)
Bellamy YoungBellamy Young(età:41)
Ryan O'NanRyan O'Nan(età:29)
Vis Brown(età:36)
Chad A. fehr(età:31)

Technical staff

Alec Puromusiche
Brian Junmontatore
Emily Schwebercasting
Barb Merlottiscenografo
Barb Merlottiarredatore
Ryan Samuldirettore della fotografia