Database of cinema, music, history and literature

julie and julia (2009)

Original title: julie and julia
Production: USA|123 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Historical
Poster of movie julie and julia

Festivals and awards

Oscar 2010 - nomination miglior attrice
Assigned to: Meryl Streep

Origin of the subject


Nora Ephronregista

Production and Screenplay

Nora Ephronsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

julia child
Meryl StreepMeryl Streep(età:60)
julie powell
Amy AdamsAmy Adams(età:35)
paul child
Stanley TucciStanley Tucci(età:49)
eric powell
Chris MessinaChris Messina(età:35)
simone beck
Linda EmondLinda Emond(età:50)
louisette bertholle
Helen Carey(età:65)
dorothy mcwilliams
Jane LynchJane Lynch(età:49)
madame brassart
chef max bugnard
Casey WilsonCasey Wilson(età:29)
Jillian BachJillian Bach(età:36)
parodia di julia child
Dan AykroydDan Aykroyd(età:57)
Dave AnnableDave Annable(età:30)

Technical staff

Richard Marksmontatore
Stephen Goldblattdirettore della fotografia
Ann RothAnn Rothcostumista
Mark RickerMark Rickerscenografo
Sephen Goldblattdirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2009)

Music tracks of the soundtrack