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K-9: P.I. [filmTV] (2002)

Original title: k-9: p.i.
Production: Canada, USA|95 min| tv movie
Action, Comedy, Crime
Poster of movie K-9: P.I. [filmTV]
detective dooley is finally retiring from the police force. however, on his way home him and his partner jerry dog discover a robbery in the laboratory for assembling chips.
This movie is episode 3 of the series K-9 composed by:


Production and Screenplay

Lawrence Gordonproduttore esecutivo
Michael Petronisceneggiatore
Ron Frenchproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Sarah CarterSarah Carter(età:22)
agente henry
agente verner
Kevin DurandKevin Durand(età:28)
bill cockrain
capitano byers
catherine coleman
Barbara Tyson(età:38)
charles thayer
laura fields
maurice charles
michael dooley
James BelushiJames Belushi(età:51)
pete timmons
Gary BasarabaGary Basaraba(età:43)
Blu MankumaBlu Mankuma(età:54)
Jay BrazeauJay Brazeau(età:49)
Terry ChenTerry Chen(età:27)
Ellie HarvieEllie Harvie(età:37)
Dean Choe(età:37)

Technical staff

Coreen Mayrscasting
Don Macaulayscenografo
Roy H. Wagnerdirettore della fotografia
Ron Wismanmontatore
Natalie Coscotruccatore
John Alvarezscenografo
Diane Widascostumista
Cindy Burwashparrucchiere
Kandace Loewenparrucchiere
Shannon Coppintruccatore
Nick Pieronemusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2002)

Tony FuochiTony Fuochi Voice of capitano byers
Gianluca IaconoGianluca Iacono Voice of agente henry
Simone D'AndreaSimone D'Andrea Voice of bill cockrain