Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Keeping Mum (2005)

Original title: keeping mum
Production: UK|103 min
Comedy, Crime
Poster of movie Keeping Mum
the young rosie jones travels alone by train in the quiet english countryside. while he serenely reads the latest issue of 'country life', a pool of blood forms under his large leather trunk. forty-three years later, walter goodfellow, the willing vicar of the little wallop parish, is so obsessed with preparing the perfect sermon that he does not notice that his family life is falling apart. his wife gloria has an affair with lance, his exuberant golf instructor. daughter holly changes her boyfriend a week. his son petey is the scapegoat for school bullies. gloria feels that she is losing control of her life. he can no longer stand the routine, a loveless marriage, the adventures of the children, the neighbor's dog. every night pray for salvation. then comes grace, the answer to the family's prayers: the new governess is a sweet and old gray-haired lady who carries a mysterious trunk with her. she will save the marriage of gloria and walter and bring the family together, "eliminating all their problems one by one, in the simplest way.


Niall Johnsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Niall Johnsonsceneggiatore
Richard Russosceneggiatore
Richard Russoscrittore
Bertil Ohlssonproduttore esecutivo
Marc Samuelsonproduttore esecutivo
Nigel Woollproduttore
Julia Palauproduttore
Matthew Payneproduttore
Peter Fudakowskiproduttore
David Garrettproduttore esecutivo
Steve Christianproduttore esecutivo
Anne Sheehanproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Rowan AtkinsonRowan Atkinson(età:50)
(reverendo Walter Goodfellow)
Kristin Scott thomasKristin Scott thomas(età:45)
(gloria goodfellow)
Maggie SmithMaggie Smith(età:71)
(grazia hawkins/rosie jones anziana)
Emilia FoxEmilia Fox(età:31)
(rosie jones giovane)
Patrick SwayzePatrick Swayze(età:53)
Liz SmithLiz Smith(età:84)
(signora parker)
Emilia FoxEmilia Fox(età:31)
(Rosie Jones)
Tamsin EgertonTamsin Egerton(età:17)
(holly goodfellow)
James BoothJames Booth(età:78)
(signor Brown)
Tamsin EgertonTamsin Egerton(età:17)
Roger Hammond(età:69)
David Schaal(età:42)
Alex MacqueenAlex Macqueen(età:32)

Technical staff

Crispian SallisCrispian Sallisscenografo
Robin Salesmontatore
Gavin Finneydirettore della fotografia
Jonathan Salesmontatore
Nicola Matthewstruccatore
Aileen Seatonparrucchiere
Darren Evanstruccatore
Darren Evansparrucchiere
Victoria Russellcostumista
Andrea Clarkcasting
ManSimon Lamontscenografo
Angela Parkinsontruccatore
Valerie Elliotttruccatore
Joan Striblingparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2005)