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Keeping the Promise [filmTV] (1997)

Original title: keeping the promise
95 min| tv movie
Poster of movie Keeping the Promise [filmTV]
harsh elements, disease and dilemmas mark a massachusetts family's move to uncharted maine and a better life in 1768.


Sheldon Larryregista

Production and Screenplay

Martin Katzproduttore
Peter alan Sussmanproduttore
Jack Mcqueenproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Maury ChaykinMaury Chaykin(età:48)
David CubittDavid Cubitt(età:32)
WomanCamilla Scott(età:36)

Technical staff

Ronald Sandersmontatore
Rolf Harveyscenografo
Eydi Caines floydcostumista
Marlene Aaronstruccatore
Pipsan Ayottetruccatore
Ron Stannettdirettore della fotografia
Marsha Chesleycasting
Malcolm Glassfordarredatore