Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Killer of Sheep (1977)

Original title: killer of sheep
80 min| black and white
Poster of movie Killer of Sheep
set in the watts area of los angeles, a slaughterhouse worker must suspend his emotions to continue working at a job he finds repugnant, and then he finds he has little sensitivity for the family he works so hard to support.

Festivals and awards


Charles Burnettregista

Production and Screenplay

Charles Burnettproduttore
Charles Burnettsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

moglie di stan
figlia stan
figlio di stan
Charles Davis(età:52)
Bill WilliamsBill Williams(età:62)
Richard Ney(età:62)
Carl Davis(età:41)
Pat Williams(età:46)
Kaycee Moore(età:33)
Paul Reed(età:68)
Tobar Mayo(età:32)

Technical staff

Charles Burnettdirettore della fotografia
Charles Burnettmontatore