Database of cinema, music, history and literature

kinky boots (2005)

Original title: kinky boots
Production: UK, USA|104 min
Comedy, Dramatic
Poster of movie kinky boots
after the sudden death of his father, charlie price is forced to take care of the family business, a shoe factory in northampton. soon charlie realizes that he has to come up with something to prevent it from failing. the new entrepreneur could succeed with the encounter with lola, a drag queen who performs in a london club and who has created a line of eccentric boots. however, the insertion of lola in the factory is not simple and the attempt to change the production of classic english shoes with a collection of sexy drag queen and transsexual boots to be presented at the upcoming milan shoe fair reveals itself as difficult.

Festivals and awards


Julian JarroldJulian Jarroldregista

Production and Screenplay

Peter Ettedguiproduttore
Tim FirthTim Firthsceneggiatore
Suzanne MackieSuzanne Mackieproduttore
Geoff Deanesceneggiatore
Nick Bartonproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Charlie Price
Joel EdgertonJoel Edgerton(età:31)
Nick FrostNick Frost(età:33)
Linda BassettLinda Bassett(età:55)
Jemima RooperJemima Rooper(età:24)
Harold Price
Robert PughRobert Pugh(età:55)
Big Mike
Mona HammondMona Hammond(età:74)
Kellie BrightKellie Bright(età:29)
Richard Bailey
Harry Sampson
Leo BillLeo Bill(età:25)
signora Cobb
Joe Grossi(età:48)
Ewan Hooper(età:70)
Josh Cole(età:17)

Technical staff

Adrian Johnstonmusiche
Peter Wenhamscenografo
Alan Mcdonaldscenografo
Trefor Proudtruccatore
Sammy Sheldoncostumista
Gail Stevenscasting
Eigil Brylddirettore della fotografia
Tina Jonesscenografo
Alan MacDonaldscenografo
Emma E. HickoxEmma E. Hickoxmontatore
Philip Eltonscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2005)