Database of cinema, music, history and literature

sexual parasite: killer pussy (2004)

Original title: kiseichuu: kiraa pusshii
Production: Japan
Horror, Comedy, Fantasy
Poster of movie sexual parasite: killer pussy
five teenagers enter a deserted jungle and trespass inside an abandoned house only to haunted by a woman with a monster hidden inside her reproductive organs.
The same story is the basis of the movies:


Takao Nakanoregista

Production and Screenplay

Takao Nakanosceneggiatore
Hideaki Nishiyamaproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Sakurako KaoruSakurako Kaoru(età:22)
(mikage ryoko)
Natsumi Mitsu
(mari akabane)
Tomohiro Okada(età:34)
(akira yono)
Tôgo Okumoto
(hiroshi omiya)

Technical staff

Takao Nakanoeffetti speciali
Nobuhito Kisukidirettore della fotografia
Nobuhito Kitsugidirettore della fotografia
Yoko Kinebuchitruccatore