Database of cinema, music, history and literature

knowing (2009)

Original title: knowing
Production: USA|121 min
Dramatic, Thriller, Action, Science fiction
Poster of movie knowing

Festivals and awards


Alex ProyasAlex Proyasregista

Production and Screenplay

Alex ProyasAlex Proyassceneggiatore
Ryne Douglas pearsonRyne Douglas pearsonsceneggiatore
Juliet Snowdensceneggiatore
Stiles Whitesceneggiatore
Stuart HazeldineStuart Hazeldinesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

john koestler
Nicolas CageNicolas Cage(età:45)
caleb koestler
diana wayland
Rose ByrneRose Byrne(età:30)
lucinda embry / abby wayland
Lara RobinsonLara Robinson(età:11)
professor phil beckman
miss taylor (1959)
miss taylor (2009)

Technical staff

Marco BeltramiMarco Beltramimusiche
Simon Duggandirettore della fotografia
Richard Learoydmontatore
Steven Jones-Evansscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2009)