Database of cinema, music, history and literature

komodo (1999)

Original title: komodo
Production: USA|90 min| |
Dramatic, Horror, Science fiction, Thriller


Production and Screenplay

Hans Bauersceneggiatore
Craig Mitchellsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

victoria the shrink
Jill HennessyJill Hennessy(età:31)
Billy BurkeBilly Burke(età:33)
patrick connally
Kevin ZegersKevin Zegers(età:15)
denby, oates' sidekick
annie, patrick's aunt
martin gris, ferry operator
bracken, pontiff oil exec
mr. connally, patrick's father
mrs. connally, patrick's mother
patrick's grandmother
sheriff gordon
hippie in flashback with eggs

Technical staff

John DebneyJohn Debneymusiche
David Burrdirettore della fotografia