Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Peach Thief (1964)

Original title: kradetzat na praskovi
Production: USA|105 min| black and white
Dramatic, Romantic, War
Poster of movie The Peach Thief

Festivals and awards

Historical episodes of setting


ManVulo Radevregista

Production and Screenplay

ManVulo Radevsceneggiatore
Atanas Papadopulosproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

ivo obrenovich
messaggero del colonnello
dyo grevil
Naum Shopov(età:33)
Ivan Bratanov(età:44)

Technical staff

Violeta Yovchevascenografo
Todor Stoyanovdirettore della fotografia
Simeon Pironkovmusiche
Nedelco Nanevscenografo
Ani Laskovacostumista
Kiril Trayanovtruccatore