Database of cinema, music, history and literature

kramer versus kramer (1979)

Original title: kramer versus kramer
Production: USA|105 min
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie kramer versus kramer

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Robert BentonRobert Bentonregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert BentonRobert Bentonsceneggiatore
Paul SylbertPaul Sylbertsceneggiatore
Stanley R.jaffeproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Dustin HoffmanDustin Hoffman(età:42)
(Ted Kramer)
Justin Henry(età:8)
(billy kramer)
Meryl StreepMeryl Streep(età:30)
(Joanna Kramer)
Bill Moor(età:48)
(gressen, avvocato di joanna)
Joe SenecaJoe Seneca(età:60)
Jane AlexanderJane Alexander(età:40)
(Margaret Phelps)
Jane AlexanderJane Alexander(età:40)
(Margaret Phelps)
JoBeth WilliamsJoBeth Williams(età:31)
(Phyllis Bernard)
Howard DuffHoward Duff(età:66)
(John Shaunessy)
Bill Moor(età:48)
Howland Chamberlain(età:68)
(giudice Atkins)
Jack Ramage(età:48)
Jess Osuna(età:51)
Petra King
(Petie Phelps)
Melissa Morell
(Kim Phelps)
Ellen Parker(età:30)

Technical staff

Ruth Morleycostumista
Paul SylbertPaul Sylbertscenografo
Antonio VivaldiAntonio Vivaldimusiche
John Kandermusiche
Henry PurcellHenry Purcellmusiche
Nestor AlmendrosNestor Almendrosdirettore della fotografia
Herb Harrismusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1979)