Database of cinema, music, history and literature

kreutzer sonata (1915)

Original title: kreutzer sonata
Production: USA| |
Dramatic, Romantic


Herbert BrenonHerbert Brenonregista

Production and Screenplay

Herbert BrenonHerbert Brenonsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Nance O'neil
(miriam friedlander)
Theda BaraTheda Bara(età:30)
(celia friedlander)
Henry BergmanHenry Bergman(età:47)
(raphael friedlander)
William E. shay
(gregor randor)
Maude Turner gordon(età:47)
(rebecca friedlander)
John Daly murphy
(sam friedlander)
Mimi Yvonne
(david randor)
Sidney Cushing
(g. belushoff)
Anne Sutherland
(olga belushoff)
Rhea Van ole

Technical staff

Philip E. rosendirettore della fotografia