Database of cinema, music, history and literature

l'amico delle donne (1943)

Original title: l' amico delle donne
Production: Italy|77 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Romantic, Psychological
countess desimerose, for an inexplicable hypersensitivity, avoids her marital duties from her wedding night. the husband, tired of this strange and ambiguous situation, decides to leave and is about to leave. the woman, considering herself offended, allows herself to be courted by a fanatic worshiper, until a cynical and bizarre gentleman, highly skilled in female psychology, succeeds in bringing the couple closer together with his wisdom.


Marcello Toscanoaiuto regista

Production and Screenplay

Gherardo GherardiGherardo Gherardisceneggiatore
Virginio Albarelloproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

contessa Diana DeSimerose
conte DeSimerose
Claudio GoraClaudio Gora(età:30)
conte DeRyon
Luigi CimaraLuigi Cimara(età:52)
Elena Hackendorf
Laura Adani(età:30)
signor Leverdet
Hackendorf, padre di Elena
Balbina Leverdet
Ortensia Leverdet
WomanJone Morino(età:47)
domenico viglione borghese

Technical staff

Mario SerandreiMario Serandreimontatore
ManArturo Galleadirettore della fotografia
ManAngelo Besozzidirettore di produzione
Gastone Simonettiscenografo
Cesare Boiettiscenografo
WomanMaria De matteiscostumista