Database of cinema, music, history and literature

L'astragale (2015)

Original title: l'astragale
Production: France, UK|96 min| black and white
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie L'astragale
l'astragale is a 2015 french drama film directed by brigitte sy. it is the second film adaptation of the 1965 semi-autobiographical novel l'astragale by albertine sarrazin, after guy casaril's l'astragale.

Festivals and awards


Brigitte SyBrigitte Syregista

Production and Screenplay

Paulo BrancoPaulo Brancoproduttore
Brigitte SyBrigitte Sysceneggiatore
Serge Le péronsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

voix off juge
Louis GarrelLouis Garrel(età:32)
Esther GarrelEsther Garrel(età:24)
Reda KatebReda Kateb(età:38)
Leïla BekhtiLeïla Bekhti(età:31)
India HairIndia Hair(età:28)
Yann GaelYann Gael(età:29)
Djiby Badiane(età:35)

Technical staff

Julie Duprémontatore
Sarah Tepercasting
Isabelle Ungarocasting
Leila Fourniercasting
Aurélie Bouchettruccatore
Frédéric Servedirettore della fotografia
Françoise Arnaudcostumista
Françoise Arnaudscenografo
Emmanuel Pitoistruccatore
Arnaud Dalensparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing