Database of cinema, music, history and literature

La corte (2015)

Original title: l'hermine
98 min
Poster of movie La corte
michel racine is a feared president of assize court, as strict with himself as with others. everything changes when he meets again ditte when she's selected as a juror in a criminal trial over which he presides.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Christian Vincentsceneggiatore
Sidonie Dumasproduttore
Etienne Malletproduttore
Julien Derisproduttore
David Gauquiéproduttore
Franck Elbaseproduttore
Matthieu Tarotproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

xavier racine
ditte lorensen-coteret
ann lorensen-coteret
marie-jeanne metzer
avv. jourd'hui
serge debruyne
simon orvieto
martial beclin
coralie marciano
yacine balaoui
remi kubiak
franck leuwen
la cugina
jessica marton
giudice fournier
Marie RiviereMarie Riviere(età:59)
Miss MingMiss Ming(età:25)

Technical staff

Laurent Daillanddirettore della fotografia
Yves Deschampsmontatore
Lisa Ternonarredatore
Patrick Durandscenografo
Tatiana Viallecasting
Carole Gérardcostumista
Claire Denamurmusiche
Marie-France Thibaultparrucchiere
Clarisse Waquettruccatore
Alice Bourlangestruccatore

Voices and Dubbing