Database of cinema, music, history and literature

L'umanità (1999)

Original title: l'humanité
Production: France|141 min
Dramatic, Psychological, Mystery
Poster of movie L'umanità
when an 11-year-old girl is brutally raped and murdered in a quiet french village, a police detective who has forgotten how to feel emotions--because of the death of his own family in some kind of accident--investigates the crime, which turns out to ask more questions than it answers.

Festivals and awards


Bruno DumontBruno Dumontregista

Production and Screenplay

Bruno DumontBruno Dumontsceneggiatore
Bruno DumontBruno Dumontscrittore
Rachid BoucharebRachid Boucharebproduttore
Jean Brehatproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Pharaon DeWinter, poliziotto
capo della polizia
Marion ByronMarion Byron(età:88)

Technical staff

Bruno DumontBruno Dumontcasting
Yves Capedirettore della fotografia
Nathalie Raoulcostumista
Guy Lecornemontatore
Ferouz Zaafourtruccatore
Claude Debonnetcasting