Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Ambush (1958)

Original title: ambush
black and white| tv series
Western, Action, Dramatic, Comedy
joaquin tries to avenge the attempted ambush by killing rico and the governor, but he and theresa are both caught, and rico makes joaquin an offer---to spare theresa's life if joaquin will kill the governor.


Charles Bartonregista

Production and Screenplay

Bill Andersonproduttore
Lowell S. hawleyscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

John LitelJohn Litel(età:66)
Barbara LunaBarbara Luna(età:21)
Perry LopezPerry Lopez(età:29)
Henry CalvinHenry Calvin(età:40)
Gene SheldonGene Sheldon(età:50)
Frank WilcoxFrank Wilcox(età:51)
Ric Roman(età:42)
Don DiamondDon Diamond(età:37)
Craig Duncan(età:40)
Guy WilliamsGuy Williams(età:34)
Bert MadridBert Madrid(età:43)

Technical staff

Emile KuriEmile Kuriarredatore
Gordon Avildirettore della fotografia
Hal Gausmanarredatore
Pat Mcnalleytruccatore
William LavaWilliam Lavamusiche
Robert Staffordmontatore
Marvin Aubrey davisscenografo