Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Iron Mike (1976)

Original title: iron mike
Production: USA|60 min| tv series
Action, Dramatic, Crime
starsky and hutch inadvertently discover that a highly revered police captain may be in collusion with a criminal.


Don WeisDon Weisregista

Production and Screenplay

Leonard GoldbergLeonard Goldbergproduttore esecutivo
Aaron SpellingAaron Spellingproduttore esecutivo
Joseph t. Naarproduttore
Michael Hiattproduttore
Arthur Normanscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

David SoulDavid Soul(età:33)
Marc AlaimoMarc Alaimo(età:34)
Buddy LesterBuddy Lester(età:61)
Ric Mancini(età:43)
ManBob Templeton(età:58)
Harold Fong(età:65)
Gerald JannGerald Jann(età:52)
Peter Maclean(età:40)
Ralph GambinaRalph Gambina(età:69)

Technical staff

Robert Mooremontatore
Dave L.lovearredatore
Paul Sylosscenografo
Shorty RogersShorty Rogersmusiche
Layne Brittontruccatore
Gerry Leetchparrucchiere
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