Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Bear (1988)

Original title: l'ours
Production: France, USA|96 min
Comedy, Documentary, Dramatic
Poster of movie The Bear
an orphan bear cub hooks up with an adult male as they try to dodge human hunters.

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1990 - nomination Best Editing
Assigned to: Noelle Boisson


Production and Screenplay

Claude BerriClaude Berriproduttore
Pierre Grunsteinproduttore
Gerard Brachsceneggiatore
James Oliver curwoodsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Bart (orso)
André Lacombe(età:65)
(il cacciatore con i cani)
Tcheky KaryoTcheky Karyo(età:35)
Jack Wallace(età:55)
Jean Wallace(età:65)
Bart the BearBart the Bear(età:11)

Technical staff

Philippe RousselotPhilippe Rousselotdirettore della fotografia
Philippe SardePhilippe Sardemusiche
Laurent Quagliotecnico del suono
Corinne Jorrycostumista
Toni LudiToni Ludiscenografo
Bernhard Henricharredatore
Françoise Dislecostumista
Noelle BoissonNoelle Boissonmontatore
Toni Lüdiscenografo
Heidi Lüdiscenografo
Mary Jo SlaterMary Jo Slatercasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1988)