Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Man Without a Star (1955)

Original title: man without a star
Production: USA|89 min
Dramatic, Western, Adventure
Poster of movie Man Without a Star
a drifter working as foreman for an iron-fist female rancher must chose sides between his attractive employer and the other neighboring settlers who are mistreated by her.

Origin of the subject


King VidorKing Vidorregista

Production and Screenplay

Borden ChaseBorden Chasesceneggiatore
Aaron Rosenbergproduttore
D.D. Beauchampsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Kirk DouglasKirk Douglas(età:39)
(Dempsey Rae)
William 'bill' phillipsWilliam 'bill' phillips(età:47)
(il cuoco)
Roy BarcroftRoy Barcroft(età:53)
(sceriffo Olson)
George D. WallaceGeorge D. Wallace(età:38)
(Tom Carter)
Eddy WallerEddy Waller(età:66)
(Tom Cassidy)
Jack IngramJack Ingram(età:53)
Sheb WooleySheb Wooley(età:34)
Jeanne CrainJeanne Crain(età:30)
(reed bowman)
Claire TrevorClaire Trevor(età:46)
William CampbellWilliam Campbell(età:32)
(jeff jimson)
Richard BooneRichard Boone(età:38)
(steve miles)
Jay C. FlippenJay C. Flippen(età:56)
(strap davis)
Myrna HansenMyrna Hansen(età:21)
(tess cassidy)
Jim Hayward(età:55)
Myron HealeyMyron Healey(età:32)
Jack ElamJack Elam(età:39)
(assassino col coltello)
William ChalleeWilliam Challee(età:51)
(brick gooder)
Malcolm AtterburyMalcolm Atterbury(età:48)
(fancy joe toole)
Mara CordayMara Corday(età:23)
(moccasin mary)
Frank Chase(età:32)
(little waco)
Paul Birch (attore)Paul Birch (attore)(età:43)
(mark toliver)
Mark Hanna(età:38)
(concho perez)
Lee RobertsLee Roberts(età:42)
(frenatore treno)
Frank MillsFrank Mills(età:64)
Ethan LaidlawEthan Laidlaw(età:56)
Jack TornekJack Tornek(età:68)
Cap SomersCap Somers(età:62)
Arlen Card(età:50)
Bob BurnsBob Burns(età:71)
Ben Corbett(età:63)

Technical staff

Russell A.gausmanRussell A.gausmanarredatore
Alexander GolitzenAlexander Golitzenscenografo
Bud WestmoreBud Westmoretruccatore
Herman SteinHerman Steinmusiche
Russell MettyRussell Mettydirettore della fotografia
Hans J. SalterHans J. Saltermusiche
Richard H. riedelscenografo
John P. austinJohn P. austinarredatore
Virgil W. Vogelmontatore
WomanJoan St. oeggertruccatore
WomanJoan St. oeggerparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1955)