Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Beautiful Troublemaker (1991)

Original title: la belle noiseuse
Production: France|238 min
Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie The Beautiful Troublemaker
the former famous painter frenhofer revisits an abandoned project using the girlfriend of a young visiting artist. questions about truth, life, and artistic limits are explored.

Festivals and awards


Jacques RivetteJacques Rivetteregista

Production and Screenplay

Jacques RivetteJacques Rivettesceneggiatore
Pascal BonitzerPascal Bonitzersceneggiatore
Martine Marignacproduttore
Christine Laurentsceneggiatore
Maurice Tinchantproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Leïla Remili
(la domestica)
Jane BirkinJane Birkin(età:45)
Marie Belluc
Emmanuelle BeartEmmanuelle Beart(età:28)
David Bursztein(età:28)
Michel PiccoliMichel Piccoli(età:66)
(edouard frenhofer)
Marianne Denicourt(età:25)
Bernard Dufour(età:69)
(la mano del pittore)

Technical staff

William Lubtchanskydirettore della fotografia
Nicole Lubtchanskymontatore
Susan Robertsontruccatore
Laurence Struzcostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1991)