Database of cinema, music, history and literature

la belle otero (1954)

Original title: la belle otero
Production: France, Italy|92 min|
Musical, Historical


Richard Pottierregista

Production and Screenplay

Marc-gilbert SauvajonMarc-gilbert Sauvajonsceneggiatore
La Bella oteroLa Bella oterosceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Maria FelixMaria Felix(età:40)
(carolina otero)
Jacques BerthierJacques Berthier(età:38)
(jean chastaing)
Paolo StoppaPaolo Stoppa(età:48)
Louis SeignerLouis Seigner(età:51)
Maurice TeynacMaurice Teynac(età:39)
(maurice teynac)
Nando BrunoNando Bruno(età:59)
(nando bruno)