Database of cinema, music, history and literature

la carne e l'anima (1935)

Original title: society doctor
Production: Italy|67 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Romantic
in the hungarian cabaret 'odalisk' the main star and lookout is fired after an argument with the owner of the premises. the woman, without a job, through a friend, tracks down the father who had abandoned her as a child and who is now the stationmaster of a small city and goes to him. here he meets a young machinist, he falls in love with her, but their relationship is put in serious danger by the owner of the cabaret who, having found her, demands a large sum from the young woman and describes her in the eyes of all as a woman of malice. the woman, desperate, tries to kill herself but the young machinist, after having beaten the delinquent, joins her declaring that for him the present is important and that the past is far away.


George B. SeitzGeorge B. Seitzregista

Production and Screenplay

Corrado AlvaroCorrado Alvarosceneggiatore
Alberto Casellasceneggiatore
Samuel Marxsceneggiatore
Emanuele CaraccioloEmanuele Caracciolosceneggiatore
Akos TolnayAkos Tolnaysceneggiatore
Michael Fessiersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Isa MirandaIsa Miranda(età:30)
(Katrin 'Stella')
Chester MorrisChester Morris(età:34)
(chester morris)
Massimo GirottiMassimo Girotti(età:17)
Robert TaylorRobert Taylor(età:24)
(Robert Taylor)
Cele Abba(età:29)
Billie BurkeBillie Burke(età:51)
(Billie Burke)
Mario FerrariMario Ferrari(età:41)
(Mattia, padre di Katrin)
Raymond WalburnRaymond Walburn(età:48)
(raymond walburn)
Aldo SilvaniAldo Silvani(età:44)
Henry KolkerHenry Kolker(età:65)
(henry kolker)
Giacinto Molteni(età:55)
Dorothy PetersonDorothy Peterson(età:36)
(dorothy peterson)
William HenryWilliam Henry(età:17)
(william henry)
Mary Jo mathews
(mary jo mathews)
Robert McwadeRobert Mcwade(età:63)
(robert mcwade)
Donald MeekDonald Meek(età:57)
(donald meek)
Louise Henry(età:24)
(louise henry)
Johnny Hines(età:40)
(johnny hines)
Addison RichardsAddison Richards(età:48)
(addison richards)
Edward Norris(età:24)
(edward norris)
Ernie Alexander(età:45)
(ernie alexander)
William BaileyWilliam Bailey(età:49)
(william bailey)
Brooks Benedict(età:39)
(brooks benedict)
Wade BotelerWade Boteler(età:47)
(wade boteler)
Jean Chatburn(età:21)
(jean chatburn)
Claudia ColemanClaudia Coleman(età:49)
(claudia coleman)
Heinie ConklinHeinie Conklin(età:49)
(heinie conklin)
Allen Connor(età:41)
(allen connor)
James FlavinJames Flavin(età:29)
(james flavin)
Arthur HoytArthur Hoyt(età:61)
(arthur hoyt)
Perry Ivins(età:41)
(perry ivins)
Gladden JamesGladden James(età:47)
(gladden james)
Eulalie JensenEulalie Jensen(età:51)
(eulalie jensen)
Isabelle Keith(età:37)
(isabelle keith)
Inez Palange(età:46)
(inez palange)
Bert RoachBert Roach(età:44)
(bert roach)
Lee ShumwayLee Shumway(età:51)
(lee shumway)
Libby Taylor(età:33)
(libby taylor)
Richard TuckerRichard Tucker(età:51)
(richard tucker)
Arthur Vinton(età:39)
(arthur vinton)
Pina GalliniPina Gallini(età:47)

Technical staff

Isa MirandaIsa Mirandamusiche
Mario AlbertelliMario Albertellioperatore
Massimo TerzanoMassimo Terzanodirettore della fotografia
Cedric GibbonsCedric Gibbonsscenografo
ManBen Lewismontatore
ManRenzo Lucidimontatore
Fabio Franchinidirettore di produzione
Angelo Zagamescenografo
Alfredo Manziscenografo
Boris Bilinskycostumista
Boris Bilinskyscenografo
Edwin B. WillisEdwin B. Willisscenografo
Cesare A. BixioCesare A. Bixiomusiche
Lester Whitedirettore della fotografia
Howard Campbellscenografo
Oscar Radinmusiche
R.h. Bassettmusiche