Database of cinema, music, history and literature

la casa delle estati lontane (2014)

Original title: rendez-vous à atlit
Production: USA|91 min| |
Dramatic, Comedy


Shirel Amitayregista

Production and Screenplay

Shirel Amitaysceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Yael AbecassisYael Abecassis(età:47)
Géraldine NakacheGéraldine Nakache(età:34)
Makram KhouryMakram Khoury(età:69)
Judith ChemlaJudith Chemla(età:29)
Arsinee KhanjianArsinee Khanjian(età:56)
Pippo Delbono(età:55)

Technical staff

Boaz Yehonatan yaacovdirettore della fotografia
Reno Isaacmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2014)