Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Sweet Face of Danger (1958)

Original title: sweet face of danger
30 min| black and white| tv series
Comedy, Western, Action, Dramatic
when a childhood friend of diego's arrives from mexico city, named magdalena montes, he begins to court her. however, don diego soon suspects she is involved with the eagle feather brotherhood.


Production and Screenplay

Bill Andersonproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Henry CalvinHenry Calvin(età:40)
Gene SheldonGene Sheldon(età:50)
Jack LilleyJack Lilley(età:25)
Henry WillsHenry Wills(età:37)
Don DiamondDon Diamond(età:37)
David Ahdar(età:46)
Guy WilliamsGuy Williams(età:34)

Technical staff

Emile KuriEmile Kuriarredatore
Gordon Avildirettore della fotografia
Hal Gausmanarredatore
Pat Mcnalleytruccatore
William LavaWilliam Lavamusiche
Roy V. livingstonmontatore
Marvin Aubrey davisscenografo