Database of cinema, music, history and literature

la fuggitiva (1941)

Original title: la fuggitiva
Production: Italy|84 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
a young girl, in a serious state of depression due to an insipid scene of jealousy on the part of her boyfriend, accidentally meets a child who has run away from home and, after convincing her to return to her family, comes, from the child's father, hired as a governess and governess . the girl, who has become attached to the child, also feels that she is attracted to her father, and a deep feeling is born between them, interrupted however by the arrival of the child's mother. the woman was believed dead, but now she claims her rights as a mother and wife. not to be a hindrance to family serenity, the young woman leaves the house, but the child, fond of her, flees again to look for her and, during a violent storm, falls ill with pneumonia that puts her in serious danger of life. the child is fortunately saved and her father would like the young woman to return forever but, even with pain, she gives up.


Piero BalleriniPiero Balleriniregista

Production and Screenplay

Piero BalleriniPiero Ballerinisceneggiatore
Roberto Dandiproduttore
Salvatore GottaSalvatore Gottasceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Delfina Carli
Jole VoleriJole Voleri(età:24)
ingegner Antonio Ravaldo
Wanda Reni
Anna MagnaniAnna Magnani(età:33)
Marina Ravaldo, la fuggitiva
Giacomo Renier
Lia Coppi
Mario Borghetti
Nino CrismanNino Crisman(età:30)
Anna CarenaAnna Carena(età:42)
Matteo Bonetti
Marina BertiMarina Berti(età:19)

Technical staff

Orazio Saccofonico
Giuseppe D.mussodirettore di produzione
Antonio Marzaridirettore della fotografia
Nicola ValenteNicola Valentemusiche
Natale Steffeninoscenografo
Natale Steffeninocostruzioni
Rina Pellegrinimusiche
Tino Perinmusiche
Salvatore GottaSalvatore Gottascenografo