Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the paper brigate (1996)

Original title: the paper brigade
Production: USA|96 min|
Dramatic, Comedy, Adventure


Blair Treuregista

Production and Screenplay

Denice K. ricesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Kyle HowardKyle Howard(età:18)
(gunther wheeler)
Robert EnglundRobert Englund(età:49)
(crazy man cooper)
Chauncey LeopardiChauncey Leopardi(età:15)
Travis WesterTravis Wester(età:19)
Ethan Glazer(età:12)
Bibi Osterwald(età:76)
(widow hansen)
Kylee CochranKylee Cochran(età:22)
(allison robbins)
Matthew Ness(età:13)
Michael 'mikey' petersonMichael 'mikey' peterson(età:14)
Eean Crawford
ManMichael Flynn
(mr. wheeler)
Suzanne Barnes(età:42)
(mrs. wheeler)
Michael Stephenson(età:18)
Braden Powell
Dennis Saylor(età:43)
(mr. litman)
Joey MiyashimaJoey Miyashima(età:39)
Wes Brewer
Frank Gerrish(età:33)

Technical staff

David Blangstedmontatore
Ray Colcordmusiche
Brian Sullivandirettore della fotografia
Lawane Colecostumista
Troy Lunttruccatore