Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Sachs' Disease (1999)

Original title: la maladie de sachs
107 min
Poster of movie Sachs' Disease
this is a story about the world of a doctor called bruno sachs.he wrote a book called 'la maladie de sachs' in which he describes his consultations with different patients.

Festivals and awards


Michel DevilleMichel Devilleregista

Production and Screenplay

Michel DevilleMichel Devillesceneggiatore
Michel DevilleMichel Devillescrittore
Rosalinde Devilleproduttore
Rosalinde Devillesceneggiatore
Rosalinde Devillescrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Albert Delpy(età:59)

Technical staff

Laurence Azouvytruccatore
André Diotdirettore della fotografia
Denis Seiglanscenografo
Valérie Cancalontruccatore