Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Gramma (1986)

Original title: gramma
15 min| tv series
Thriller, Dramatic, Horror, Science fiction
a boy is terrified of his odd, sinister, bed-ridden grandma. / a hack with writer's block is tormented by impish hell-raising creatures that only he can see. / an understudy copes with radio director's insistence on real sound effects.

Origin of the subject


Bradford Mayregista

Production and Screenplay

Rockne S.o'bannonRockne S.o'bannonscrittore
Rod SerlingRod Serlingscrittore
Harlan EllisonHarlan Ellisonsceneggiatore
James Crockerproduttore
Harvey Frandproduttore
Philip deguere Jr.produttore

Characters and Interpreters

Barret Oliver(età:13)
Kane HodderKane Hodder(età:31)

Technical staff

Bradford Maydirettore della fotografia
Rick Strattontruccatore
Mickey Hartmusiche
John B. Mansbridgescenografo
Robert L. zillioxarredatore
Charlene Robersontruccatore
Robert M. moorecostumista
Charlotte Harveyparrucchiere
Greg Wongmontatore
Leslie Joycecostumista

Voices and Dubbing