Database of cinema, music, history and literature

La prochaine fois je viserai le coeur (2014)

Original title: la prochaine fois je viserai le coeur
Production: France, UK|111 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie La prochaine fois je viserai le coeur
for several months in 1978 and 1979, inhabitants of oise live in fright and terror as a serial killer disturbs the peace and quiet.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Cédric Angerregista

Production and Screenplay

Alain Attalproduttore
Cédric Angersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Ana GirardotAna Girardot(età:26)

Technical staff

Thomas Hardmeierdirettore della fotografia
Thierry Francoisscenografo
Julien Leloupmontatore
Jürgen Doeringcostumista
WomanStéphanie Guillontruccatore
Sophie Asseparrucchiere
David El Hakimcasting
Nicolas Ronchicasting
Charley Colliertruccatore
Véronique Gelyparrucchiere