Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Test (1962)

Original title: the test
Production: USA|30 min| black and white| tv series
Comedy, Horror, Dramatic, Thriller
a lawyer defending a 17 year old in his stabbing murder trial, wants to use a controversial chemical test that would show if the weapon ever had blood on it.


Boris SagalBoris Sagalregista

Production and Screenplay

Norman LloydNorman Lloydproduttore
Joan HarrisonJoan Harrisonproduttore
Henry Slesarscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Brian KeithBrian Keith(età:41)
Steve Gravers(età:40)
Rod Lauren(età:23)
Eve McveaghEve Mcveagh(età:43)
Tenen HoltzTenen Holtz(età:75)
Bill Raisch(età:57)
Rusty LaneRusty Lane(età:63)
Harry Raven(età:52)
ManDick Cherney(età:48)
Kenneth Harp(età:38)

Technical staff

ManEdward W.williamsmontatore
Martin ObzinaMartin Obzinascenografo
Jack BarronJack Barrontruccatore
John F. Warrendirettore della fotografia
ManJohn Mccarthy jr.arredatore
Glen Danielsarredatore
Florence BushFlorence Bushparrucchiere