Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The College Try (2006)

Original title: the college try
43 min| tv series
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
ryan and marissa arrive at berkeley, and summer and student/poseur seth visit brown for freshman orientation weekends. familiar faces surface.


Tony Wharmbyregista

Production and Screenplay

McgMcgproduttore esecutivo
Josh SchwartzJosh Schwartzproduttore
Ben Kundeproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Erick AvariErick Avari(età:54)
Michael NouriMichael Nouri(età:61)
Kelly RowanKelly Rowan(età:41)
Mischa BartonMischa Barton(età:20)
Navi RawatNavi Rawat(età:29)
Ben McKenzieBen McKenzie(età:28)
Adam BrodyAdam Brody(età:27)
Cam GigandetCam Gigandet(età:24)
Rachel BilsonRachel Bilson(età:25)
Matt BarrMatt Barr(età:22)
Chris KernerChris Kerner(età:24)

Technical staff

Angela TerryAngela Terrycasting
Norman Buckleymontatore
Richard MarvinRichard Marvinmusiche
Buzz Feitshans ivBuzz Feitshans ivdirettore della fotografia
Cindy Miguenstruccatore
Joni Powelltruccatore
Robin lewis Westcostumista
Cherie day Ledwitharredatore