Database of cinema, music, history and literature

la spia (1919)

Original title: secret service
Production: USA| |


Hugh FordHugh Fordregista
Joe Boyleregista

Production and Screenplay

Beulah Marie DixBeulah Marie Dixsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Robert WarwickRobert Warwick(età:41)
(robert warwick)
Wanda HawleyWanda Hawley(età:24)
(wanda hawley)
Theodore RobertsTheodore Roberts(età:58)
(theodore roberts)
Edythe ChapmanEdythe Chapman(età:56)
(edythe chapman)
Raymond HattonRaymond Hatton(età:32)
(raymond hatton)
Casson FergusonCasson Ferguson(età:28)
(casson ferguson)
Robert Cain
(robert cain)
Irving CummingsIrving Cummings(età:31)
(irving cummings)
Guy OliverGuy Oliver(età:41)
(guy oliver)
Lillian LeightonLillian Leighton(età:45)
(lillian leighton)
Stanhope Wheatcroft(età:31)
(stanhope wheatcroft)
Norman SelbyNorman Selby(età:46)
(norman selby)
Shirley MasonShirley Mason(età:19)
(shirley mason)

Technical staff

William Marshalldirettore della fotografia