Database of cinema, music, history and literature

decisione estrema (1978)

Original title: spirala
Production: Polonia|86 min|
Dramatic, Thriller
fabienne and her child go to live in their new home. for women, it is the goal they have always dreamed of. in the building he meets perrin, the tenant on the second floor. the man initially shows himself to be kind and cordial, then he begins to haunt her. to get rid of her, the woman asks for help from a shady individual.


Miguel Courtoisregista

Production and Screenplay

Krzysztof ZanussiKrzysztof Zanussisceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

tomasz piatek
Jan Nowicki(età:39)
Jan Swiderski(età:62)
figlio di henryk

Technical staff

Edward KlosinskiEdward Klosinskidirettore della fotografia
Wojciech Kilarmusiche
Tadeusz Wybultscenografo
Urszula Sliwinskamontatore