Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Ten O'Clock Tiger (1962)

Original title: ten o'clock tiger
Production: USA|30 min| black and white| tv series
Horror, Dramatic, Thriller, Comedy
a boxing manager risks his fighter's health by increasing the dosage of a secret energy formula he has been injecting him with.


Bernard GirardBernard Girardregista

Production and Screenplay

Norman LloydNorman Lloydproduttore
Joan HarrisonJoan Harrisonproduttore
William Fayscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Robert KeithRobert Keith(età:64)
Frankie DarroFrankie Darro(età:45)
Andy RomanoAndy Romano(età:21)
Karl LukasKarl Lukas(età:43)
Chuck HicksChuck Hicks(età:35)
Syl Lamont(età:50)
Charles Perry(età:62)
Ralph GambinaRalph Gambina(età:55)

Technical staff

ManEdward W.williamsmontatore
Jack BarronJack Barrontruccatore
John J.lloydscenografo
ManJohn Mccarthy jr.arredatore
Glen Danielsarredatore
Florence BushFlorence Bushparrucchiere
Neal Becknerdirettore della fotografia