Database of cinema, music, history and literature

lagaan (2001)

Original title: lagaan
Production: India|224 min
Dramatic, Adventure, Musical
Poster of movie lagaan
the people of a small village in victorian india stake their future on a game of cricket against their ruthless british rulers.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Aamir KhanAamir Khanproduttore
Ashutosh Gowarikersceneggiatore
Ashutosh Gowarikerscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

ManJeremy Child(età:57)
John Rowe(età:60)
Aamir KhanAamir Khan(età:36)
Anupam Shyam(età:44)
Ben Nealon(età:35)

Technical staff

Bhanu Athaiyacostumista
Danielle Roffecasting
Pina Rizziparrucchiere
Misha Greenparrucchiere
Nicole Demerstruccatore
Simmi Shanmughanparrucchiere
Anil Mehtadirettore della fotografia