Database of cinema, music, history and literature

larger than life: the kevyn aucoin story (2017)

Original title: larger than life: the kevyn aucoin story
Production: USA|102 min
Documentary, Historical
Poster of movie larger than life: the kevyn aucoin story
documentary film about legendary makeup artist kevyn aucoin.


Tiffany Bartokregista

Production and Screenplay

Jayce Bartokproduttore
Jack Turnerproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Winona RyderWinona Ryder(età:46)
Kate MossKate Moss(età:43)
Isaac MizrahiIsaac Mizrahi(età:56)
Kevyn Aucoin(età:55)
Tori Amos(età:54)

Technical staff

Scott Dohertymusiche
Will Goldenmusiche
Andres Karudirettore della fotografia

Music tracks of the soundtrack