Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Las horas del día (2003)

Original title: las horas del día
Production: Spain|103 min
Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie Las horas del día

Festivals and awards


Jaime RosalesJaime Rosalesregista

Production and Screenplay

Jaime RosalesJaime Rosalesproduttore
Jaime RosalesJaime Rosalessceneggiatore
Jaime RosalesJaime Rosalesscrittore
Enric Rufassceneggiatore
Enric Rufasscrittore
Ricard Figuerasproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

locutor radio

Technical staff

Pep Armengolcasting
Ann Varelatruccatore
Óscar Durándirettore della fotografia
Leo Casamitjanascenografo
Natalia Montoyaparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing