Database of cinema, music, history and literature

last days (2005)

Original title: last days
85 min|
Poster of movie last days
reflection on the inner turmoil that consumes a brilliant but disturbed young musician in the last days of his life. blake walks slowly through the woods, surrounded by giant trees. he arrives at a small waterfall and strips to take a bath. the next morning he returns to his house, an elegant stone villa in a state of abandonment. many people are looking for blake: his friends, his record companies and even a private investigator. but he doesn't want to be found. in the confusion of his last few hours, blake will spend most of his time alone. avoid the people who live at home, who come to him only when they want something, money or help with a song. speak courteously with a yellow pages seller and then take refuge in a rock music venue. blake wanders through the woods and plays a new song, a final farewell to the world of rock and roll. finally, alone in the greenhouse, blake will find a way to relax in silence.

Festivals and awards


Gus Van santGus Van santregista

Production and Screenplay

Dany Wolfproduttore
Gus Van santGus Van santsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

kurt cobain
Lukas HaasLukas Haas(età:29)
Asia ArgentoAsia Argento(età:30)
Ricky JayRicky Jay(età:59)
Stanley KamelStanley Kamel(età:62)
Michael PittMichael Pitt(età:24)
Nicole ViciusNicole Vicius(età:29)
Kim Gordon(età:52)

Technical staff

Thurston Mooremusiche
Harry Savidesdirettore della fotografia
Leslie Shatztecnico del suono
Harris Savidesdirettore della fotografia
Tim Grimesscenografo
Gus Van santGus Van santmontatore
Sarah E. McMillanscenografo

Voices and Dubbing