lawless (2012)
Original title: lawless
Production: USA|120 min
Dramatic, Historical, Crime
Festivals and awards
Cannes Festival 2012 - nomination Palma d'oro - In concorso
John Hillcoat: regista
Production and Screenplay
Nick Cave: sceneggiatore
John Hillcoat: sceneggiatore
Characters and Interpreters
jack bondurant
Shia LaBeouf(età:26)
forrest bondurant
Tom Hardy(età:35)
howard bondurant
charley rakes
Guy Pearce(età:45)
maggie beauford
bertha minnix
Mia Wasikowska(età:23)
cricket pate
mason wardell
floyd banner
sceriffo Hodges
Bill Camp(età:51)
vicesceriffo henry abshire
vicesceriffo jeff richards
tizwell minnix
gummy walsh
Noah Taylor(età:43)
jimmy turner
anziana montanara
Gary Oldman(età:54)
Lew Temple(età:45)
Chris McGarry(età:46)
Jason Clarke(età:43)
Jessica Chastain(età:35)
Dane Dehaan(età:26)
Technical staff
Chris Kennedy: scenografo
Nick Cave: musiche
Dylan Tichenor: montatore
Benoit Delhomme: direttore della fotografia
Margot Wilson: costumista
Warren Ellis (musicista): musiche
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2012)
Massimo Triggiani Voice of Marcus Hester
Angelo Maggi Voice of Gary Oldman
Flavio Aquilone Voice of Dane Dehaan
Loris Loddi Voice of Guy Pearce
Graziella Polesinanti Voice of Anna House
Andrea Mete Voice of Shia LaBeouf
Daniele Valenti Voice of Alex Van
Gerolamo Alchieri Voice of Bill Camp
Roberto Certomà Voice of Chris McGarry
Chiara Colizzi Voice of Jessica Chastain
Adriano Giannini Voice of Tom Hardy
Oreste Baldini Voice of Noah Taylor
Gaetano Varcasia Voice of Lew Temple
Dario Penne Voice of Tim Tolin
Letizia Ciampa Voice of Mia Wasikowska
Gianfranco Miranda Voice of Jason Clarke
Dante Biagioni Voice of Bruce Mckinnon