Database of cinema, music, history and literature

lawman (1971)

Original title: lawman
Production: USA|99 min|
Action, Western


Michael WinnerMichael Winnerregista
Paul LandresPaul Landresregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael WinnerMichael Winnersceneggiatore
Leo V.gordonLeo V.gordonsceneggiatore
Dean RiesnerDean Riesnersceneggiatore
Gerald Wilsonsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

sceriffo di bannock, jered maddox
sceriffo di sabbath, cotton ryan
Robert RyanRobert Ryan(età:62)
vincent bronson
Lee J. CobbLee J. Cobb(età:60)
jason bronson
John BeckJohn Beck(età:28)
vernon adams
Robert DuvallRobert Duvall(età:40)
laura shelby
Sheree NorthSheree North(età:39)
hurd price
harvey stenbaugh
Albert SalmiAlbert Salmi(età:43)
jack dekker
crowe wheelwright
sindaco di sabbath, sam bolden
John McgiverJohn Mcgiver(età:58)
luther harris
pastore protestante
Ralph WaiteRalph Waite(età:43)
Richard BullRichard Bull(età:47)
Roy EngelRoy Engel(età:58)

Technical staff

Jerry Fieldingmusiche
Robert Paynterdirettore della fotografia
Stan Jolleyscenografo
Richard Millstruccatore
Frederick Wilsonmontatore
Ron Beckcostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1971)

Massimo FoschiMassimo Foschi Voice of luther harris