Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Le deuxième souffle (2007)

Original title: le deuxième souffle
Production: France, UK
Thriller, Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie Le deuxième souffle
gu, a famous gangster, has just escaped from jail. all french police is after him. before leaving the country with manouche, the woman he loves, gu needs a final job to get some money. the job works, but a police's scheming makes gu appear as a traitor to his own accomplices. gu will do whatever it takes to clean his honor...

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Alain Corneauregista

Production and Screenplay

José Giovannidialoghi
Yves AngeloYves Angelosceneggiatore
Alain Corneausceneggiatore
Michele Petinproduttore
Panni Lutterproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Michel BlancMichel Blanc(età:55)
Daniel DuvalDaniel Duval(età:63)
Gilbert Melki(età:49)
Sandra Moreno(età:30)
Eric CantonaEric Cantona(età:41)

Technical staff

Yves AngeloYves Angelodirettore della fotografia
Thierry Flamandscenografo
Corinne Jorrycostumista
Bruno CoulaisBruno Coulaismusiche
Alexis Kinebanyantruccatore
Laurent Bozziparrucchiere
Marilyne Scarselliparrucchiere
Cécilia Blomarredatore
Nathalie Kovalskitruccatore
Hugues Lavautruccatore
Myriam Rogerparrucchiere
Frédéric Balmertruccatore
Bérangère Cortaixtruccatore